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WTS Joins Forces w/ Partner's Capital! Commercial Financing to Suit YOUR Business!

Writer's picture: WTSWTS


Work Truck Solutions and Partners Capital Group understand that not every company is in the same stage of development. Big and small companies alike need custom financing and payment plans to fit their financial goals. We are happy to offer options that fit your companies needs to get the equipment you need without killing your cash flow.

Let's look at different types of leasing...


Traditional leasing or "True Lease" is just that, it's a lease. This is what most people think of when they think leasing. Also called a Fair Market Value Lease, a True Lease allows you to write off each lease payment as an operating expense. When the lease term is up, you will have the option to renew the lease, upgrade the equipment, purchase it at Fair Market Value, or send it back to the Leasing Company.

While this is a viable option for a lot of equipment, for truck equipment like Service Bodies, Truck Caps, or Van Up-Fit Packages we recommend the other types of lease financing described below.

Expertec Slip In Service Bodies from Work Truck Solutions
Expertec Slip-In Service Bodies

CAPITAL LEASE A Capital Lease is designed for you to own the equipment at the end of the payment period. Partners Capital Group has created an easy way for you to purchase the equipment at the end of your term for just $1 (or $101, depending on your state tax laws).

Work Truck Solutions uses this type of leasing for our own forklifts. It's simple and fair with low monthly costs, and we keep the Equipment for a buck at the end of the term.


EFA is simply a traditional loan to your business that allows you to buy the equipment you need. Make regular payments and at the end of your term you are done. You choose what to finance including equipment, shipping, taxes, installation, warranties etc.


Partners Capital has the ability to structure an agreement as a Rental. Choose the term that suits your needs, commence the agreement and simply rent the equipment.

Rental Agreements are a great way to overcome budget constraints.


Our unique 3, 6 or 12 Months Deferred Payment Plan gives your company 3, 6 or 12 Months to build cash flows before having to make monthly payments.

No matter which financing option you choose Partner's Capital Group takes great pride in helping you find solutions to get the equipment you need while improving your company's bottom line. Please feel free to explore their website at to learn more about them and their services.

Where would you like to go next?

Work Truck Solutions

2167 E. Cedar St

Suite 6

Tempe, AZ 85281



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